农业 value-chain actors call for a widespread industry alignment on how to measure and scale regenerative agriculture

The lack of alignment on outcomes and metrics has emerged as a significant hurdle to scaling regenerative agriculture. The need to agree on how to quantify environmental and socio-economic outcomes will unlock the financing and policy needs that are essential for this transition and strengthen corporate accountability.

发表: 2023年12月1日
作者: Dana Rakha-Michalon, OP2B经理
类型: 洞察力


面对不断升级的气候危机和日益严峻的农业挑战, 我们农业系统的转变 行星的界限 变得越来越重要. 农民 and agriculture value-chain players are feeling the detrimental effects of unsustainable practices. 避免迫在眉睫的环境和社会经济灾难, 再生农业作为一种强有力的解决方案出现了——一种适应性强的解决方案, 缓和的, 和弹性.


Regenerative agriculture has gained momentum as a holistic solution to address 气候 challenges, 逆转生物多样性丧失, 促进土壤健康. Forward-thinking farmers have been pioneers in adopting regenerative practices on their lands. 然而, to scale up regenerative agriculture into a solution that drives a significant impact on the environment and help society live within 行星的界限, we must urgently agree on how to measure and reward the outcomes at both the farm and supply chain levels.

Regenerative agriculture stands out as a nature-based solution with the potential to trigger systemic change throughout agricultural value chains. 再生农业是一个整体, outcome-based farming approach that generates agricultural products while measurably having net-positive impacts on soil health, 生物多样性, 气候, 农田和景观层面的水资源和农业生计. 它旨在同时促进地上和地下的碳封存, 减少温室气体排放, 保护和加强农场内外的生物多样性, 提高土壤保水能力, 减少农药风险, 提高养分利用效率, 改善农业生计.

The strong momentum to transition to resilient and regenerative agricultural models

The private sector is increasingly embracing regenerative agriculture for several compelling reasons, 最紧迫的问题是它们价值链的弹性. 农业高度依赖自然提供生态系统服务, 这使得它特别容易受到气候变化的影响, 生物多样性丧失, 水资源短缺. The private sector recognizes the importance for a holistic approach to regenerative agriculture, 承认环境和社会经济影响.

Companies and financial institutions are shifting from voluntary to mandatory sustainability reporting and disclosure, 其中包括雄心勃勃的自然积极战略. Financial investments in nature-based solutions and regenerative agriculture are on the rise. 资金支持的流入是一条生命线, 增强农民向可再生农业转型的能力. 目前, the United States and the European Union are fostering incentives for the widespread adoption of regenerative agriculture, 鼓励企业支持这一事业. 在这个背景下, cultivating transparency emerges as a linchpin for securing the necessary financing to propel the transition and empowering farmers by mitigating risks.


加快发展再生农业, 我们必须集中在一个集成的度量体系结构上. 今天, 必须解决关键挑战,以加速这一急需的协调, 包括对定义和结果缺乏共识, 注重实践而不是结果, 零碎的数据收集和报告, 将全球框架转化为地方行动计划, 在这一过程中,农民和iplc缺乏包容性.

随着再生农业发展势头强劲, 需要建立一种一致的方法来衡量成果的进展. This will support more transparency around claims made by businesses to counter greenwashing and unlock investments to finance the transition.


为了应对这些挑战, the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) has prioritized strengthening 企业业绩 Accountability Systems for Carbon, 自然, 和股票. In 2023, WBCSD has launched a joint working group with the 一个地球生物多样性事业(OP2B) coalition, 专注于可再生农业指标. This collaborative effort involves over 50 members and 27 business-focused partners representing more than 1100 businesses. 该小组的目标是推动全行业的融合和对齐农场, landscape and global level metrics with corporate reporting to influence accounting, reporting and disclosure bodies to develop specific guidance for regenerative agriculture.

The timely opportunity for industry-wide convergence and alignment in the multistakeholder space

同时, the regenerative agriculture ecosystem is undergoing a profound transformation with partner organizations like the Sustainable 农业 Initiative Platform (SAI Platform) playing a vital role. 他们的“共同再生计划," recently released and initiated by 33 founding members in the 食物 and Beverage sector, 是一个行业范围的, global framework on regenerative agriculture to ensure alignment across environmental outcomes and metrics at the farm level. 同样,纺织品交易所推出了他们的 再生农业成果框架 今年, aligning and working with their 850+ fashion brands on key indicators that make for a regenerative system, 鼓励与种植者合作.

确保全面和以农民为中心的转变, 将这些举措与更广泛的多利益相关方生态系统结合起来 Regen10 主动成为当务之急. Regen10 is a multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together representatives from across food systems – from farmers and landscape stewards to corporates – to build a collective understanding of how regenerative approaches can deliver positive outcomes for people, 自然与气候. WBCSD很荣幸能成为Regen10的创始合作伙伴,代表私营部门. 在一起, 这些努力将确保行业转型, 为可再生农业系统搭建变革舞台.


Regenerative agriculture offers a unique and powerful path forward in the movement to regenerate our planet. 农民, 行业参与者, and organizations along the agricultural value chain are recognizing its potential to address 气候 change, 逆转生物多样性丧失, 并加强农业社区的生计. 为了实现这种潜力, 必须立即采用再生农业, 通过协调一致的努力来标准化度量并克服度量方面的挑战.

现在是将所有努力集中在如何衡量上的时候了, 报告和披露再生农业,以允许更深层次的再生. The private sector must align with other stakeholders to safeguard supply chain resilience and transition to agricultural models that operate within 行星的界限. 加入我们!

联系Dana Rakha-Michalon rakha@shadleysoapstone.com 加入到这个集体的努力中来.

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