Business Call to Action for 食物 and 气候

发表: 2022年11月4日
类型: Publication

首席执行官的信’s development has been driven by WBCSD members, specifically 雀巢, 达能 and 联合利华. These members are taking action to transform the food system and address climate change, but are coming up against barriers from policy makers which continue to act in silos and fail to take a cohesive / holistic approach to tackle food and climate in an aligned way – despite the opportunities already existing

Our members recognize they can take action but this will only go so far, when issues such as addressing food waste and shifting diets will require broader engagement with the public and policy mechanisms that change demand drivers, subsidies and investments towards food systems transformation

In line with Program of the UN 食物 and 农业 Organization and the UN Development Program aiming to build adaptive capacity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the food and agriculture sector

We cannot choose between food security and environmental sustainability: they are one and the same. Urgent action is needed to shift food from a driver of climate change and biodiversity loss to a solution, with positive outcomes for food producers, companies and consumers. To accelerate progress and unlock economic, environmental and social benefits, we need broad mobilization across public and private sectors, starting at COP27


  • We call on companies in the food sector to adopt time-bound, science-based, targets towards net zero.
  • We call on governments to develop and implement national food strategies and to integrate food into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
  • And we call on international organizations to develop clear strategies for food systems, including a 1.5°C roadmap for food.

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